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Posts posted by coralee

  1. I have caught trout up high and I wouldn't think they would bloat. Last year one came on a 3 color going over 3 mph on a orange crush looking for steelhead. Weird I know and I caught a few in the spring fishing in 20' of water and the ones I let go seemed full of energy and did not appear bloated. But most end up on the smoker.

  2. Very bumpy but we went for a short troll. Fought the waves out to 60' trying to get a bit South to start and seeing as we were getting wet with spray we just set lines there and headed NW. Couldn't troll S so we just made one pass angling out to 100' where we went 4 for 6 in a little over an hour and then had to head in. 5 of out 6 poles fired.:D Big white paddle with blue/green fly right on the bottom went 2 times. Purple Ace high, green chrome spoon, and blue spin doc with green meat rig went twice. Long slow bumpy ride back:(

  3. Never found a real hot spot just a few here and there. Started in 70' and trolled to 220 picking up 1 in around 100, 1 in 140, 2 in 195, 1 on the way back in 160. 5 for 5 with 2 of us, Nothing hot. Flounder, purple ace high, and several meat rigs blue and green. A little bit bumpy today. Boat still floats after a few weeks off :thumb:

  4. I have 2 Gander Mountain steelhead rods around 9' that work pretty good for up to 3/4 oz but looking for a stiffer rod that can cast 1 oz or maybe even 1 and 1/2 that is light and easy on the arms and wrists but can still cast a mile. Any suggestions?

    Thank you

  5. Worked our way out to 160 where we went 6 for 10 or 11 in an hour or so but we could not troll South into the waves and things were rough so we pulled lines and bounced back. Flounder on rigger down 55, blue bubble on wire back 110 and light blue plug on 150 copper were the best ones today. Would have stayed home if I had known how rough it was.:eek: Never had 15 minutes between 160 and 170 without a hit.

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