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Posts posted by Wasabi

  1. Set lines late around 7am in 120 FOW around the nets. Trolled west to 145' and picked up a 8# king on a green hootchie mama w/ green fly on wire dipsy 180 feet out. Bounced around for a little then picked up another smaller king on Area 51 slider 80' down in 160 FOW. Managed to make it out to 182 FOW before calling it a day with a throw back shaker on a mongolian beef 65' down.

    Gonna have to set the trolling rods down for a couple weeks, my son and I leave for NW Ontario wally and his big toothy brother next weekend. Enjoy the June bite, I'm going north eh!


  2. Couldn't ask for better weather, could have had better fishin.

    Sat Am - brought the wife and son, left the dock around 7am, fished till 11. Bounced around 110 FOW out to 160, in to 80 FOW, south of the pier. 10 AM - ONE 5lb brown trout - Harrison's first! Quite proud and was tasty - stuffed on the bbq Sat. night. Caught 90 FOW, 80' downrigger on a free slider spoon, unknown name - blue, green, red, and a glow tree on it.

    Sunday AM - brought along H and a couple of rookies as well. Started the day out with forgetting to put the plug in the boat - real confidence builder for the rookies when I had to take care of that first. Boogied out to 120 FOW South of pier head, dragged everything and the kitchen sink out to 165 and all the way in to 50 FOW. Ended up 3 for 3 - all fish came after 10:30 am. 10 Year old boy caught his first fish, what else, but ANOTHER brown, #3, spoiled him for life! First 2 brown trout in the whaler, both on slow fishing weekend, go figure that! Put the other brown on the gril last night too. 5# king and a shaker we dragged around were the rest.

    Sunday brown came on an old school Halloween spoon (orange front w/ black an silver stripe, chartreuse back. 60 FOW, Fixed slider 45' down. Shaker king on mixed veggie 5 color, other king was on a pink and blue spoon, 75' copper dipsy - that was exciting and close!

    Will need to figure out how to downsize the photo sizes and post some brown pics of the boys.

  3. Had a great time this weekend.

    Sat evening bite was great. 110-140 FOW just south of PS. Ended up 6 for 9 w/ one shaker. Green Dolphin on Full Core and 3 color, Mongolian Beef on Copper Dispsy 250 feet out were the baits of choice. Downriggers sat quiet all night. Weatherman was WRONG again. 0-1 foot forecast, reality was 2-4.

    Sunday morning - captain overslept due to faulty alarm, managed to get out on water a little late. Had one chummer on board and pulled lines after 2 hrs tops, brought in 1 laker on a 5 color that was draggin along for the ride. Whatdayaknow, green dolphin again.

    Get your fishin in, June will be here before you know it!


  4. Way to go Mark. We were not as fortunate last night. Ended up 1 for 3, had my share of downrigger wraps that kept giving me fits. Some ding a ling decided to put the walker releases on upside down and they really don't like that much. Green dolphin 65' down 95 FOW. Lost one on a 1 color core double orange crush, lost another on the last rod in the water as I was pulling lines, Popped it and let it rise up slow as I brought the rigger up. Something hit it on the surface and was there for ~5 seconds, then gone. Need to get more mag spoons.

  5. Hey Mark,

    Thanks for coming along with us, we'll have to repeat again soon. Glad to see the DOG did well after our radio chat as well. More people need to share on the radio how they are doing out there. Lots of fish to go around. Strange daze when only 1 rod in the boat puts fish in the box with multiple matches out there. Was nice to shake things out and put fish in da cooler too. Will have to have somebody show me how to put pics up on this thing, but will send you a photo in the meantime.


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