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Just Hook'n

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Posts posted by Just Hook'n

  1. The boat DOES look great. I would also run two on a boat small than 9' wide. now that we are in a little bigger boat we have one down the chute, but when we are running deep (180+ down) I still get nervous. For years we did very well with two riggers, dipseys and high lines. I think the only time I would want more riggers is when/if they are in close and/or you are running the channel. However, I refuse to do that as it is way to stressful.

  2. Well our fishing team planned the last fishing trip of the season before we put away the rods and pick up the bows. Time to look for brown furry critters. At first we had a morning trip planned, but Ryan got called in so we changed it to afternoon. On second thought this was better as we could enjoy some silver cans (which we commonly don't do on morning trips).

    We planned on leaving no later than 3 and everyone was anxious to get out. Shortly after 1 we were away fromt he dock - did I mention everyone was anxious?

    We just went slow out to the lake as we were in no hurry. Got out to 80 and set up going northwest. Wound up going southwest straight into the waves (if you can call them that - it was gorgeous). Went out to 190 to see what was going on out there - MAN there were a lot of fish in 190 down 150+ though.

    We managed to get 8 fish, and it was interesting what we caught on which rigs. Since the fish were deep we ran what was left of meat rigs in the boat freezer. As I was putting on the brown, old, nasty meat I said "there is no way this is going to work". BOY was I wrong. We had 4 pieces of meat I think - and they all took fish. If we had more meat we could have smacked em.

    Big weenie meat rig - looks like no color but flashed gold - crazy good looking with a UV meat head rig also big weenie. That rig was down on the chute rigger bouncing bottom. Most of the fish we got were in 120ish give or take 10 feet. When the meat started working we put one out on a dipsey too - big greeen and silver big weenie rig with a green meat head. Out 260ish it took a nice fish.

    The other things that worked were:

    300 copper with a spinnie and fly - UV/yellow looking thing.

    300 copper with a green ladderback ace hi J plug

    Rigger down 110 with a big green/white/yellow 11" paddle and green fly.

    I think that's it. 200, full core, 100, and 5 color never took a rip. Everything we marked in 110 or less was right on the bottom and we had to bounce the chute rigger in the dirt with a meat rig to get even 3 lb coho to bite it.

    We caught one nice king - maybe 13 or 14 pounds if that all others were cookie cutter or smaller.

  3. I have been tying the single albright on my coppers all year with no breakoffs.

    Mono backer to copper, and copper to floro leader. It's not easy to tie the copper in an improved. Tough to get it to bend and tighten that way, but I can see where it would work with braid to mono.

    Oh, and to answer your question, we leave them. We don't tie a lock knot.

  4. I guess I'm teh stand out. Just like the NBK spoon doesn't work on my boat I can never get fish to bite the chrome with red nose J plug. Just doesn't work so we don't run it. However, Green ladder back, pearl, pearl ladder, ace hi blue milar, etc always go out this time of year. Like John in Fremont, we run paddles and plugs. Maybe one or two spoons just to see if they want them and it's slow.

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