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Posts posted by DIRTY DOG

  1. had a great time out fishing with heavy actoin yesterday morning we ended up 9 for 11 with 6 kings / 1 coho / 1 laker /and a shaker.

    to start we set lines at about 6:30 in 70 fow south of the peirs about 3 miles and there was not any one around and just about had all the line in when thing started to take off and ended up takeing the first the king before we had 4 lines in the water it was on a double org. crush on a fixed slide 20 down i cant realy remember the order of the rest of them but the spoons where mi. blueberry set at 45 on rigger/double org crush 20 on fixed slider/ green dolphin on full core/ goldy hawn 50 on fixed slider these where all d.w. also crome and blue spin dr. with home made blue fly not sure of the coler, on a wire dipsy 180 back on 2 also a stinger ,stingray in size in a blue dolphin

    here are some pics. of the catch ,not to bad for only fishing for about 2 hours

    {6:45 to 8:30}



  2. i also like a lot of action ,and an occasoinal big fish becouse the peopal that go with me normaly only get out once in a while so a bunch of fish will get them to come back and i can go again becouse its starting to get hard to get a crew as the people i normaly fish whith have a lot of thing going on in the summer

  3. fish out of saugotuck to day with a crew of 4 this was he worst day i have had in 5 years ,we trolled from 30 to 110 and every where inbetween ,and from a mile south of the ball to 4 miles south of holland and back and only marked 1 fish to end the mornig 0/1(this must explain why there was no one else fishing out of this port today)but i did talk to 4 or 5 other boats on the radio that did very well out on holland in 95 to 115 1 mi north of the piers (off spy glass) and they all had the same story ,95 to 115 fow and 30 to 70 down on riggers and full core (mostly coho and a few nice kings (10 to 12lb) there was a temp break up there on the surfas that went from 48 to 41 in the water they where in, down where i was i never seen a break and the temp was 44 every where:confused:

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