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Rascal Trophy Fishing

Charter Captain
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Posts posted by Rascal Trophy Fishing

  1. Good points again Mark. Since this capt. is retired, he may be a bit older, and set in his ways for success. I tend to not give advice to those types, because I know they'll never change, and he might consider it an insult, though you didn't mean it that way. Others, however, may be receptive. Remember, it's his boat, and he's the capt., so you know who's always right. Courtesy of course is expected by both sides, although it can be an option with too many.

  2. I tend to agree Mark, attracting at nite in the ocean is not the same as trolling here. However, fishing off a pier or dock might make a difference for the positive. In trolling, the fish aren't going to see that light cause they are usually too deep.

  3. There are really so many variables in the mix to consider, this isn't a one answer to all question, as Mark and Jim pointed out correctly. Consider what fish you want to target first, and the predominant conditions under, and above water, temperature, time of season, kind of lures, and so much more. In the old days, we considered 2.0-2.2 to be the best overall speed for most cases, and that's mph/sob, (speed over bottom). I always start slow while setting up lines, usually 1.7-1.9 and adjust from there.

  4. Joe and Randy on right on cue. Another point would be angle of the troll. Sometimes the current below is at odds with the waves on top. Watch the angle of the lines, esp. the riggers. When they are most straight down, not off to the right or left, and are not way back, from high speed, your troll will more fit the fishes swimming course. Watch your turns too, if the inside rods going slower in a turn produce bites, slow down. If the outside rods going faster produce bites, speed up. General observations should be made continuously, to gauge your actions in what is working best.

  5. Nice report there Reid. Coffee shop? So, where's the smoked fish dip and fish nowadays? I just gotta know, so I may visit via the Badger later, many thanks. I just loved Pt. Washington for many years of stays there, was on the high-lights of my vacations. The boat "Charlie", was a great conversation piece, if you know that boat. Great fishing too, plus the honeys over at the Newport. Nuff said buddy.

  6. Joe, you already found the solution if you buy the flea flicker monfilament line. It works well for me, and has since I first bought it years ago. The line is flat, instead of round, and it does not catch the nuisance fleas. I have no problem tying knots, nor with releases. It costs a bit more, but heck, it works, and those fleas can drive a person back to the dock in a hurry if you don't have it aboard. Good choice, you'll be happier at the end of your fishing trip for sure.

  7. Ludington is steadily getting better, but not what she's been in the past. The next few weeks, with southerly winds predicted, and warmer temps., will make or break us for August coming shortly. Anyone seeing a severe die-off with alewifes? We have thousands swimming in circles to the surface, and it's easy prey for the biters that come into contact. They don't have to work for lures right now. I'm praying and hoping for the best.

  8. I also suspect air bubbles, where the transducer in a wave is just too close to the motor. On a 16' boat, this may be the case, as you have a narrow 4'-5' beam. I would also suggest that you try the separate single frequency, and use about a 3/4 gain setting, no need for the maximum imho, unless you are over 250' fow.

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