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Posts posted by water_ratz

  1. Headed out of port at 6AM with my trusty 1st mate, my dad. :thumb:

    Lines in the water by 6:30. Started at 80 FOW due west of the pierhead. Started on a west troll. Hit 120 and the action started. Kept the program simple with 4 rods on 2 riggers. Riggers were set at 60 down with stackers 15 above. Everything came on moonshine lures. by 7 AM had 4 fish in the box. Continued trolling in the 120-130 FOW range. Ended up 7 for 7. 6 kings and 1 brown. Sizes ranged form 3# to 12#.

  2. Went out with some friends Friday night out of Muskegon. Had lines in the water around 6PM. Set up in the 95 FT area near north nets. Trolled out towards 120. Threw everything in the boat at them, but not much going on. Had one fish that hit a spoon behind 300 copper but got tangled in the dipsey and came unbuttoned. Marked tons of fish in 90-110 FOW but nothing going.

    Any suggestions on whats going on out there?

    Hoping to try again Wednesday night.

  3. Wife and I headed out for an evening of fishing around 6PM. Had lines in the water around 7 in 80 FOW. The waves were NOT what NOAA predicted as 0-1', was more like 3-4. We worked an area 90-120FOW. Here is what worked in our program of 4 for 4.

    Coyote Blue Dolphin on 300 copper went twice.

    Watermelon 70' down on rigger went once

    Moonshine Flounder Pounder 80' down on rigger went once right after dark.

    All four fish were kings, biggest being 11#

    I'm still amazed at the number of boats that close in on me when I'm out all by myself TRYING to stay away from the pack. There is PLENTY of water for everyone to fish guys. SHEESH! :confused:

  4. Nice job on the fish!

    I run a 33' Flybridge boat and I am CONTINUALLY amazed at the number of 16-17' boats that close in on me from NOWHERE! I have had other boats come so close to me I could spit in their boat from my bridge. One thing these guys should learn, if nothing else, is that TONNAGE RULES. I CANNOT turn my boat on a dime out there to avoid you. Its just like on the highway, if you are driving a compact car, you wouldn't think of cutting in front of a semi truck! :eek:

  5. Wife and I headed out for an evening fishing trip last night. Headed out near the north nets in 115 FOW. Had nothing going until about an hour before dark. Had a whopper on that hit a big white paddle with Mirage fly that was 80 down on the rigger. Stipped line for about 5 minutes, got tangled in the other lines and came un-buttoned. An hour later we had exactly the same scenario. Was a gorgeous night for a boat ride even tho we ended 0 for 2.

  6. Left the dock at 6AM and headed out. With the Salmon Shootout going on I was just looking for a spot to stay away from everyone. I started marking fish in 60FOW so decided to set down there and troll deeper. Had nothing going until around 7:30 AM one of the dipseys started going. Was running 200 back on Power-Pro pulling a green SD with a white and green fly. Got it in to within 50' of the boat and it came unglued. Tha was the only action we had until I decided to pull lines at 11:30 and head in. Popped one of the riggers loose and found we had a 3# laker dragging. That came on a large white paddle with a mirage fly, 80 ft down. Not sure what I was doing wrong, we trolled from 60 FOW to 160, threw everything I had at them.

  7. Dragged the wife out fishing with me Sunday. She didnt want to get up at OH-DARK-THIRTY so we left the dock around 9AM. Had lines in water about 9:45 in 150FOW slightly south of the pierhead. Once again, Dipseys were dead silent. Ended up the day with 2 small kings around 3# each. One came on white paddle with mirage fly on rigger 85 down, other came on Mixed Veggies on rigger 70 down. Water depth 185, water temp 52.

  8. Got a late start out of Muskegon Sunday as my fishing partner cancelled on me at the last minute. Scarmbled and found someone to go. Left the dock at 9:15 so we were VERY late. Set up in 100FOW near the north nets. Nothing went until around 11:00 in 160FOW slightly south of the pier. ended the day around 1:30 PM going 4 for 6.

    (1) 12.5# king on white paddle with mirage fly 75 down on rigger

    (1) 6# king on mixed veggies 60 down on rigger

    (2) 2# coho on bloody nose 80 down on rigger

    Dipseys were dead silent.

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