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Everything posted by killerbe20

  1. Congrats to Profishent on their first place finish in Saugatuck this weekend! https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/p100x100/10401865_832901010053782_6478986341623430840_n.jpg?oh=10d57c097b14e1523f459ceab9d683b3&oe=54714F34&__gda__=1416273668_c733be33862360cc89ce2739ae3f928e Tournament Trail Congrats to the winners at the Saugatuck Big Lake Classic! Team Profishent won the pro, Reel Sharpie took the Am and Win-N-Angel won "The Big One". For complete results check out the Saugatuck Forum Page here: http://fishingandhuntingforum.com/showthread.php?2951-TT-14-Saugatuck-Big-Lake-Classic
  2. Sounds like Captain Tim is doing it again! Ran into some nice kings on a late morning trip. Hopefully they stick around for awhile
  3. Captain Tim with another good catch this afternoon. The lake trout just under 20lbs makes the 16lb king look small! 2014
  4. They got blown off the lake yesterday but looks like Captain Tim put them on some fish today! 2014
  5. Fishing is slow all over the lake right now. Hopefully everything stabilizes quickly and we can get back to the fishing we are used to. The nice thing about Racine is when the salmon aren't around usually the lake trout still give you a great opportunity to catch fish. 2014
  6. Thanks Gabe and Tim for putting in so much work while I was a away last week. You guys did an outstanding job and put is in a great position going into the second day of the PFC Geoffrey Morris Memorial Fishing Tournament. Unfortunately my return Saturday brought us bad luck. Until next year as that pretty much concludes our contest fishing for the year.
  7. Good luck to the boys (and my wife!) tomorrow fishing the PFC Geoffrey Morris Memorial Fishing Tournament in Winthrop Harbor, IL! This will be the first contest the First In fishes without me. Its going to be killing me all day wondering how they are doing but I'll be there tomorrow night to check in on them
  8. My group for this Saturday fell apart. If anyone is interested in fishing the Salmon Unlimited Season Opener Contest from 5am-1pm message or call me for a great deal!
  9. No pics this weekend, Captain Tim is running the boat and we need to work on his technology skills Fishing has slowed a bit on the whole southwest side of Lake Michigan but then again we were really spoiled with the catches from last weekend. Still catching some really nice fish out there!
  10. This coho had the privileged of being the first fish of 2014 to hit the deck of the First In 2014
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