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KJ pluggin

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Posts posted by KJ pluggin

  1. Ok we all have the go to lures , and I am sure each one of us has different one we go to. How did you come to have the specific lures as go to lures. Did someone clue you in on a secrete ? did your buddy tell you to. Did you just like the lure? Did it just look like it would catch fish.

    Tell us what that lure is and why.

    Mine was a big lake lure this year, Double orange crush. Only one trip this year did it not catch me a fish.

    Why I wanted to try UV lures this year , and it worked out that it was the first one I tried this spring.

    Often as I read reports I will look up spoons if I am unfamiliar with them, the ones I like I will buy and give them some time in the water. Occasionally I will pick up a spoon that someone tells me about, or one I just felt like trying. For flies I tend to pick my own.

    My hottest spoon of the year was probably a Flounder Pounder but we didn't have anything that really seamed to stand out. My best fly for the year was a light green and glow from ITO behind a white pearl glow SD. Also did well with a blue-green ITO.

  2. welcome to GLF Kenn.

    Yes, you can fish them without downriggers. I would suggest fishing with dipsy or walker divers, and inline weights. Divers are weighted disks that will take your bait down and to the side. For inline weights, look into the torpedo divers, I think they would be a good substitute for fishing without downriggers. For reels you are going to want a reel with a capacity of 300 yds of 20 lb mono give or take. I like the Okuma convectors for a mid-grade reel. For rods take a look at the Shimano TDR's, good rods that won't break the bank. For baits, flies spoons and plugs will probably all work but I have not fished that area so I don't have any local knowledge on what works there.

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