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Just Hook'n

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Posts posted by Just Hook'n

  1. What a nice night on the water.

    We ended up with 8 fish total .

    16.5lb king (scott is holding)

    2-15lb kings

    14.5 Steelhead

    and a few smaller fish in the 5-8lb range.

    AND a 11.5 BROWN. :eek:


    Worked 120ft of water for the most part, a little shallower at times.

    Flasher flies 70 down on the riggers.

    Copper with 11"mellow yellow and yellow/white fly.

    Full core with ace high ghost.

    Dipsey with 8"echip blue dolphin and a fly called SCOTTYS BALLS.

    Can't remember the others, but most everything was on flasher fly combos.




  2. The fish hawk is probably the easiest unit to set up, but as Nailer said it only provides speed and temp at the ball (no height indication). I use the new probe with the old base. It works very well compared to the older probes. The old probes ATE batteries and the new one goes almost 100 hours without changing. If you are getting a new one, I am super jealous. The new digital large number read out is awesome.

  3. Welcome to the site Jim.

    We did pretty good Saturday night in PS, but we were not marking a lot of fish until late. Just after dark our screen lit up as well. Temp break was down 65-70 ft in 120fow. We had schools of fish from 50-25fow. Brought the riggers up but the water was 67 degrees 35 down. Did not get any more takers, but we had already had a decent night so we called it quits.

    Not sure what to tell you. Sometimes they just don't bite out of temp.

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