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  1. Mayor Dayne Walling has accepted petitions asking the city to end its use of the Flint River for drinking water, but the mayor said he remains opposed to turning back to the city of Detroit for future water purchases. More...
  2. The two, retired PE and health teacher Toni Garrett, 68, Port Clinton, and her friend, Carol Clemons, Port Clinton, are inviting everyone who cares about the lakes to take part in healing ceremonies Sept. 20 More...
  3. The GLIN September Site of the Month is the Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research (CILER). The mission of CILER is to foster university and NOAA partnerships in the Great Lakes region. Located at the School of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Michigan, CILER is one of sixteen NOAA Cooperative Institutes. More...
  4. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has identified six water bodies where starry stonewort, the latest invasive species to strike the state, has been identified. More...
  5. Today, no foreign species are imported into Canada without the approval of the Canadian Food and Inspection Agency. In the past, however, there were virtually no studies done before introducing a new invasive species to an established ecosystem. More...
  6. No foreign species are imported into Canada without the approval of the Canadian Food and Inspection Agency and that's a responsibility the CFIA doesn't take lightly. More...
  7. Chicago, sand dunes, a ferry crossing. A voyage around Lake Michigan reveals striking topography, time-worn communities and the reassuring permanence of an unchanging lake amid it all. More...
  8. Fishing guides who make their living on Lake Erie say this year's algae bloom is quickly rivaling the worst they've seen in past years and some charter boat captains are forced to cancel trips. More...
  9. After years of neglect, the site of the long-closed U.S. Steel Duluth Works along the St. Louis River in western Duluth, Minn., may be be on the verge of revitalization. More...
  10. For more years than anyone can remember, boaters have been coming to Boaters Beach, just off the shores of the Bay City State Recreation Area in Bay County's Bangor Township, Mich., to unwind and celebrate the great outdoors. More...
  11. Ohio's ongoing problems with toxic algae likely won't be solved anytime soon but some practices already in place, like soil testing, could help slow the flow of fertilizer from farm fields to waterways that feeds the algae that plague Lake Erie and other Ohio lakes. More...
  12. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has announced that the state's lakes have been invaded by the invasive starry stoneworth. In Wisconsin, 23 lakes have already been surveyed and 35 more will be invistigated. More...
  13. A new EPA app that will map algal blooms and provide insight into what's actually in the water is being developed. It should be released within six months to water quality departments and treatment facilities, and later to the public. More...
  14. A North Toledo neighborhood could be less than a year away from gaining national attention as the site of Ohio's most innovative farm when soil dredged from the Toledo shipping channel will be used to grow crops. More...
  15. Although non-native Phragmites australis reigns supreme in terms of publicity, it is important remember that we also have stands of native Phragmites throughout the Great Lakes region. A recent blog featured on the Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative website helps clarify the differences. More...
  16. Researchers from the University of Michigan's Biological Station and botanists from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History are teaming up to restore Mentor Marsh in Mentor, Ohio. More...
  17. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change announced that a controversial wind energy project for Amherst Island has received approval, with more than two dozen conditions. More...
  18. Barefoot Wine, The Alliance for the Great Lakes and The Watershed Center Grand Traverse Bay gathered with volunteers for the Barefoot Wine Beach Clean Up in Grand Traverse County, Mich., to remove trash along the beaches. More...
  19. The Port of Duluth, Minn., is playing a key role on the renewable energy supply chain as crews handle all the cargo for a new 43-turbine wind farm that Allete Clean Energy is building in North Dakota. More...
  20. A team from the Nature Conservancy, with help from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Central Michigan University, plans to deposit limestone rocks into the water near Elk Rapids to restore fish habitat and boost native fish populations. More...
  21. Despite the record drought, by almost every measure except precipitation, California is doing fine. Not just fine: California is doing fabulously. More...
  22. Michigan is considering a multi-decade policy roadmap for managing its substantial water resources in a way that marries the state's economic and ecological goals and as with any government plan, a key question is how to pay for it. More...
  23. In Wisconsin, the Department of Natural Resources has found a surprise increase of young perch in the Racine waters of Lake Michigan this summer. More...
  24. In Green Bay, Wis., a U.S. Representative went out with researchers from NEW Water and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a few hours to gain an understanding of the processes that go into monitoring algae blooms and phosphorus loads. More...
  25. Now is the time of year to keep an eye out for North America's only species of freshwater jellyfish, a technically invasive species but that have not shown a significant impact on Michigan's ecology since being introduced to North America. More...
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