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Fishing Report

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Posts posted by Fishing Report

  1. Steelhead fishing has been good all winter. Most days, anglers have caught anywhere from a couple fish to a dozen in one day. Spawn under a bobber has worked best, but plugs and crankbaits have also caught fish. Anglers are starting to catch walleye in the lower section of the river. Northern pike are still hitting on sucker minnows at the Reedsburg Dam.

  2. Perch fishing is best in the morning when using perch rigs baited with minnows or jigs of various colors with squid or twister tails. The bigger fish were taken from dawn to 11AM, but the smaller fish will bite throughout the day. Near Standish, very good perch fishing was reported off the mouth of the Pine River and just off Palmer Road. Some limit catches were reported. At Linwood, perch were caught off the docks inside Hoyle's Marina. Boat anglers trolling in 20 to 25 feet of water off Parish Road are taking walleye on body baits. Perch have been caught along the shipping channel when fishing just past Spoils Island where the water is clear. Those walking out from the end of Jones Road and fishing the Hot Ponds have caught walleye along with some big northern pike measuring up to 36 inches. Good perch fishing can be found in the cut along Thomas Road.

  3. Lake Erie continued to produce rare January open water walleye fishing opportunities with some limit catches including trophy fish up to and over 10 pounds. The best fishing recently has been around the Huron dumping grounds and nearshore from Huron to Vermilion. Fish have also been caught along the Cleveland lakefront. Crankbaits have been the ticket for both numbers and size, and large fish are being taken on Reef Runners, Ripsticks (try Blueberry Muffin, Blue Hawaiian, Wonderbread, and Mooneye), and Rapala Husky Jerks (Glass colors seem better). Most fish have been caught in the upper portion of the water column. Night fishing success from both piers and boats has been sporadic.

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