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Posts posted by Ice_man_08

  1. Hello im looking to first mate as part time/ on call or fulltime for a couple Charter boats this fall. In have 3 years of mating on lake michigan as well as 2 years of guiding waterfowl and charter fishing trips down in Texas. I would like to start down in St Joe and southern ports and willing to go as far north as Ludington. Thank you for your time.

  2. http://www.facebook.com/#!/GrandRapidsFutureVision

    We want to address the BIG reasons we oppose the GRWW project.

    First their claim was to make the river safer by removing the dams (death machines they call them). They claimed that several people die or have to be rescued yearly because of the dams. I asked for some kind of statistics that they based that on, there have been some incidents (which are a few that happened in the last dozen year) but no where the numbers that they claimed!!!

    Then the used the RUSE of calling their kayaking course a river restoration which basically added some verbiage to make the general public believe that this will make the fishing better, just by making the same modifications that they had planned for their kayak course. (by the way an adjustable wave is by no means natural!!!!) Fisherman were not fooled at all by this tactic!!!


    Most recently GRWW has jumped on the tail of the lake Sturgeon claiming the project it to restore their habitat. They have done nothing to alter their kayak course for the sturgeon or added funds to monitor such a lofty promise. they have not even contacted the DNR on what needs to be done to restore the sturgeon!!!

    In speaking with state agencies we have learned that GRWW has made a couple attempts to get grants from the dingle johnson tax that fisherman ALL over the state of Michigan pay in license fees and taxes on everything imaginable fishing related. Hooks, line, rods, reels, nets, bait, terminal tackle and so on are taxed. They want access to those monies appointed for improvements in the fishery.

    Kayakers by a kayak, helmet, vest and paddle and are set for several years. They do not even have to register it like any boat including a canoe does yet many claim that fisherman need to pay a bigger chunk of the project!!!

    We see through the smoke and mirrors and will expose all the half truths for what they are. this is an injustice to anybody who uses the river because what is proposed is for elite kayakers making a playground with taxpayer money.

    GRWW also makes claims that certain agencies support heir project, when in reality they support small dam removal and improving fishery habitat. None of those agencies supports a Kayak course.

    Until this is done right we will fight and our numbers are growing like wildfire, our voices will be heard!!!!

  3. 1st update- Went out to some of my private property today to drop off a couple bags of jerky i just smoked up and chat with them. The landowners daughter smoked a beautiful 9 point last year that had some amazing g2's with her car so that was kinda sad, but he gave me the info on some geese. Also last week monday i found a field with over 200 birds in it. No idea who the owner was. did some digging met up with them today brought them a bag of jerky and what do you know i have a great field that has flooded wheat and deer and over 120 acres! so that was a great end to my weekend. Work tomorrow then scouting tuesday and thursday before the opener but i'm pretty sure i know where i will be ;) Let em lock!

  4. Well this year is going to be a big year for me. I have Lost 80lbs over the summer working out and recovering my my injury. mind over matter if you dont mind it dont matter! I look great, i feel great! I decided to keep everything in 1 thread. This year i will be hunting early goose in zone 3, the small game opener in Baldwin as well as the youth duck hunt, zone 2 waterfowl opener,zone 3 opener.I leave for North Dakota on Oct 20 through the 28th. Not to mention bow hunting early doe and rifle. Going to be a full fall. I will update this thread with pics and live updatea so stay tuned. I am scouting tomorrow night so i will update then. Good luck everyone this fall!

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