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Bluefinn Fisher

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About Bluefinn Fisher

  • Birthday 08/25/1954

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  • Biography
    I am involved with the Grand Rapids Steeleheaders
  • Location
    Grand Rapids
  • Interests
    fishing for kings & steelies on the big lake
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  1. Are there any updates to the "trap nets" and the GPS coordinates

    around Muskegon that we should be aware of.

    These are the of what I have to go by for the ones that were posted in 2007, both north & south. Not sure if they are accurate.

    Nets around Muskegon:

    Inside Buoy 118' N43 07.749 W86 21.365

    Inside Buoy 120' N43 07.273 W86 21.103

    Inside Buoy 119' N43 08.130 W86 22.037

    Inside Buoy 109' N43 08.746 W86 21.661

    Inside Buoy 121' N43 08.987 W86 22.337

    Inside Buoy 77' N43 09.475 W86 21.217

    Inside Buoy 84' N43 09.552 W86 21.072

    Inside Buoy 120' N43 09.673 W86 22.875

    Inside Buoy 104' N43 10.460 W86 22.595

    Inside Buoy 83' N43 10.972 W86 21.788

    Commercial Trap Nets North of Muskegon

    Inside Buoy N43 13.073 W86 26.697

    Inside Buoy N43 13.619 W86 26.889

    Inside Buoy N 43 13.751 W 86.26.986

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