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Posts posted by bobber

  1. Hi Jack, your post warmed my heart, thank you!

    I bought a boat last year, named 'BOBBER" from a young-older man, Robert Fiebig. Bob used the boat for walleye and perch but also had it set up for the big lake. Some of you may know Bob from the GR steelheaders group. Bob passed away a few weeks ago. My dear friend Loren, member-(justonemorefish) and I have been having a blast learning walleye and salmon fishing this year, mainly out of Muskegon. Mr. Fiebig was a class gentlemtien sharing many tips on fishing, same as many members of this site. Thank you all. The boats original name is not changing, seems like I borrowed it rather than bought it.

    All members, you are awesome!! Best site ever. Lord willing, we will see you on the water.


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