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Posts posted by gto_30

  1. Can anyone help me get the right belts for the sport pilot plus. Raymarine told me to send the unit in, so i did. Now they say they dont know why someone told me to send it in cuz they dont work on them anymore. They cant even tell me the part number of the belts which i think is a real kick in the ass. Can anyone help me? They still have the unit and are sending it back, so i dont even have it back yet. They have had it for a month w/o contacting me. They are very disappointing.


  2. If any of you fish Lake Superior you will know that salmon are a real treat. Lake trout are the main targets because there isnt that many salmon and the ones you catch are small. I was lucky enough to win the Lucky 13 fishing contest that was hosted by channel 13. The contest went on thru the entire summer. I wown the Salmon class w/a 10lb 10 oz salmon. Was on Tv and won some nice prizes. The fish was caught in 133' of water. Very rare to catch nice Salmon in LS. Its a long haul to Green Bay for Salmon. So we learn all the tricks to cook the lake trout. They are awesome when your hungry and 17 miles from shore in the winter. A little butter and tinfoil and everuone is happy.

  3. Well, I figure I will add my 2 cents. I am new here but I've been fishing a long time in Lake Superior. Downriggers are a must in LS. I have fished Lake Michigan in the past few years and most fish are caught off lead lines and dipsy divers. We did catch a few off the downriggers when the water temps increased. In my opinion and from personal exp, dont buy downriggers like digi troll 4 on craigslist. I just got burned buying two Digi troll 4's. The add said used very little and in great shape. When I got them, one didnt even power up and the other had a damaged screen and keypad, I got somehat of a refund but sent the downriggers into cannon and just paid the 1200$ bill. Beware buying online.

    If you are not familar with downriggers, buy a couple cheap manuals to start. I have 2 manuals and later I bought 2 electric. Now I have the digi 4 uits that are programable. You wont be disappointed. Make sure you buy riggers w/a strong boom to handle 10-12lb weights. They are much better then 8lbers.


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