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We Be

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Posts posted by We Be

  1. I ordered and installed new carbon fibre drag washers from Tuna Toms. I put them in my Daiwa 27's which I run braid for dipseys on. Made these reels perform better than new. No more catchy drag trying to keep from clicking out line to having the drags set too tight. Do a little surfing on the net and you should be able to find the schematics for these reels. Tuna"s may have them on his site, Good Luck.

  2. I would contact Trollmaster directly. I have one on my T8 Yamaha and wouldn't be without it. (Actually was my wife's idea when we bought the boat). Money well spent. I did have an issue with the reostat that sets the speed. I emailed the guy, sent the unit to him and he replaced the reostat, no charge. Great service.

    I do have to be careful using my marine band radio while trolling with it. Something about the frequency of the radio that doesn't like it when I key the mic. To avoid blowing the fuse on the radio I just shut the power off on the Trollmaster. The TM stays locked on that speed so I can chat when done I just turn the power back on. Not a big deal once I figured this out.

    Money well spent!!!

  3. I started out using mono on my divers and wouldn't you you two cents for diver fishing. A friend suggested trying 30# braid and now I won't fish without the divers. I am running Diawa 27's after the drags on the my Cabela's 20's(made by Okuma)became kind of touchy. Either too much drag or not enough. I have put carbon fibre drag discs in both units so time will tell if it is an improvement. I got 3 years out of the Cabelas before I replaced them with the Daiwas. I only fish dipseys a few weeks out of the year as I am not a guide boat.

    One bait you may want to try with this dipsey program is a Blue Bubble Spin Doctor with an Opti Hammer fly. This seems to be a go to bait for us in Door County. good luck!!!:cool:

  4. There is a simple solution to the wifey side of this post... get her into it. My wife fishes with me and she makes a darn good first mate, or is it captain as it is her boat. Once you convince her you can tell her about the free shipping options if you buy enough tackle. That works until you get all of that free shipping and you end up not having the hot bait. Look out for that. It's great that kids learn about fishing but they eventually move away and then again the wife can be a great partner. NOthing wrong with owning a nice boat you both enjoy!!!

  5. Washington Island is still a great fishery. I have never been to Rock Island but have been fishing the ferry run between Door and Washington.Two years ago my wife and I had 175# 10 fish limit. We try to get to this area the second week in July which it seems the fish are there at this time. Have not tried earlier but do occasionally make this trip the last week of July also.

    I don't like Sturgeon Bay due to the time it takes to get through the channel out to the Bank. A lot of folks still do this but it is painstakingly slow.

    One of the things I like about Door and Washington is that you can usually fish regardless of the wind direction. Baileys Harbor to Gils Rock makes for several locations to fish from regardless of the wind.

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