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Red Arrow

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Posts posted by Red Arrow

  1. well we decided to go out and we planned on being on the water by 6 but that didnt happen. 30 seconds from pulling into the launch we had a tire blow out on us. The tire was so flat we couldent get the jack underneath the boat trailer, but after 2 hours we jerry rigged the jack and finally found a way to change the tire. So we got out very late but at least we went fishing. We were fishing by 8:30 and by the time we got are 3rd rod in the water we had a nice fish on but we happened to lose it at the boat. Then about 5 min. later the 300 copper went but after fighting that fish for 5-10 min. we lost it. then 20 min. later we had a nice 15# king on the downrigger we of course lost but this time the line snapped so not only did we lose the fish we also wathced a 7 dollar jplug float away. Then after that we had a really nice fish on the dipsy but lost it after it took some line out. So overall it was a bad and very unlucky day of fishing. We were ready for the motor to brake and the boat to sink ,but to are surprise that didnt happen. We ended 0-4

    blue bubble flys and white jplugs is what had fish on

  2. went 8 for 13 over both nights caught all fish around 100 ft. range but there were alot of boats out there so we kept getting pushed out which killed us but finally got in right at prime time which seemed to be when the sun was 10 ft above the water we caught 7 on a white paddle with a white fly on a dipsey 185 back and the only other lure that caught us a fish was a pearl double glow silver hoard so white /pearl was hottt thursday night we lost a 25+ pound king at the boat on a whit fly and had a couple double header that we lost because we only had two people in the boat so we couldent get to the other rod and we couldent run any copper or wire because we could only run 6 rods

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