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Posts posted by tmiderek

  1. Hello gentlemen, Just recently bit the bullet and purchased a Fish Hawk snt probe. Looking for any advice on how to make it really pay off. In the past, I would try and hold a 2.5-3 sog but now I should be able to get the rigs that speed as well. Let me know what works for you all. Rig speed? Temperature breaks? Any other advice would be helpful....

  2. Hello all, Here is the set up. What do you suggest if I want to try for Walleye? Only ever fished for Salmon in Lake Michigan...I would like to try but don't want to put a whole lot of money into it...

    2 Lead cores, 2 down riggers, 2 dipsey divers, 2 planar boards, j-plugs, flys, spoons, couple rapalas...Also have a couple bass rods...

    Boat is out of Grand Haven and I have heard that Muskegon could be good for Walleye. Let me know about rigs, depth, speed, time of day and best time of year...What would you do????


  3. Well we thought that we would go out last night and this morning to try and see if we could grab a couple fish before we put the boat away. Got skunked Thursday night but were marking a lot in 220 fow about 80' down. Then went this morning and went 0 for 1 as the line snapped when the fish was half way in. 250 fow about 90' down, white/red/black dot glow spoon with white flourescent flash. Lot of big boats out 250 fow or deeper...

    Oh well, maybe we will get out again.

  4. Got a late start but finally got lines down at 7:15 pm. All hits came in 150 fow. 3 nice kings all on Orange Crush with chrome flasher or green flscent dodger. All on divers with braided line out 100-120'. Marked all kind of stuff at 30-50' down in 150 fow. Ended night 3-3 between 10-13 lbs. No pics as the guy I was with started to filet as I was packing up boat.

  5. Hello gentlemen, I have dabbled in Lake Michigan fishing for a couple years now and have not really gotten too serious about it. I try to monitor the reports from this site to see where they are hitting but... This fall I am trying to do a little better but have a few questions. First, what wind directions are bad and good for fall fishing? Second, when it is raining out but semi calm, do the fish bite? Is it worth going out in some drizzle? Third, does anyone have any other advice for a rookie???

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