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Port Sheldon 7/19 PM

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Fished from 7:30 to 10:30 pm, starting about 3 miles south of Port Sheldon.  Went south -close to Holland then turned around and came back.  Stuck to 125-150 fow. 1.7 - 2 mph trolling speed at the ball down 75 feet.  Never sped up because we were getting bites and fighting fish.

Started with an upper teens king on a meat rig, then a lake trout on a 400 copper, then a 20's king on a plug, then a 10lb coho on the other 400 copper.  Finally lost another sliver fish on a meat rig.  Felt like a 10'lb ish fish - coho or king?  First bite was about 8:15, last bite was about 9:30.  Lots of activity on the graph approaching dark - but for some reason I haven't been able to get fish to bite after dark.  Good bait balls around.  Cooler water was down about 75-80 feet.  Remember - fish are biting out of temp this year too!

1 King - Mag Diver on 1 back 151 feet - 8-inch Green Jeans paddle w/ UV meat rig

1 Lake Trout - 400 copper - Mag Moonshine Dancing Anchovy

1 King - 200 copper - White wooden carved plug (Best Lure Co.)

1 Coho - 400 copper - Moonshine Halfmoon Blue Shorts

0-1 Silver Fish - Mag Diver on 1 back 151 feet - 8-inch Green Jeans paddle w/ UV meat rig

Good night on the water!

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