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Reel questions for weighted steel line

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Alas, the ice fishing gear is tucked away and thoughts of sugar plum colored lures are dancing in my head.  It will probably be well over a month before I even get my boat out of the shrink wrap here in the Frankfort area, but it's time to start preparing and buying gear.  I am interested in setting up a couple of rods with weighted steel line, and actually went as far as buying the line towards the end of the season last year.  The trouble came when I found out that terminating, or splicing, the line to braid and mono created such a big knot I couldn't get it through the levelwind guide.  I tried the termination kit, several knots, and finally bought the needle to splice it to the braid (which I liked the best).  I know I really didn't have the correct reels but I just wanted to test the stuff out, and without altering the shape or removing the plastic from the guide, it just wasn't going to work with what I had - which was a Penn 310 and Diawa Sealine 47LC.  So this year will start out with a couple new reels to accommodate the weighted steel. My question to those using this line, is what are you using for reels? Do the bigger Tekota or Okuma reels come standard with a wider space in the guide, or do they too have to be altered? Are there other reels worth considering for this purpose? Also, I had planned on setting them up on line counter reels because that's what the charter I went out on had (He ran mostly Tekota 700LC's).  But are line counters needed or useful in some way being we are using a pre-determined length of line?   I am thinking about starting out with around 200' and/or 300' set-ups, so looking at reels able to hold that at least.  I look forward to and appreciate any information on what reels you feel are best for the task and how you are set up. Oh heck, tell me what rods you like too.

Thanks guys

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I really like the Takota 700, and 800 for this application.  The Convector 55 works will also. No modification is necessary.

I have some nece reals all set up with 35, and 45 pound copper that I am willing to part with if you are interested.


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Thanks for the info. I really am leaning towards the 700. I know the price is worth it for a quality reel, but wow, $250ish for the line counter version. I kind of have my thoughts set on the weighted steel though. Thanks. What reels is your copper on?

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Both the 700, and 800 Takotas.  I used the 800's for the 45 pound 300' coppers.

The 700's worked for everything else.

I have 10 or 12 different copper reals set up with varying lengths on them.

There is no need for a counter on a long line.  

Counters are a must for wire or braid diver lines.

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