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Ive used down riggers before so i got that. The question i have is planner boards i wont have a mast for outrigging. My thought is i run out some line connect it to the board then run the board out from the boat. Do i need some sore of diver type device to get my bait to a set depth. Thanks sorry for the long post Thanks


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You need to check out inline planers such as TX-44 or TX-22.  Most people run copper or lead core off planers to get the desired depth.   I suppose you could run divers off a planer but I wouldn't recommend it.

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Good replies guys also rember to keep boat in gear while fighting fish.. if you can..  this way you don' get a big tagle up in the end...also fight fish in the the prop wash right up the back of the boat while moving.. every thing goes right to the center of the prop wash while boats in gear moving.. and net it in the prop wash.. also rember to clear boards inside  first outside last.. if the fish is that big some times you got to pull all the rods rigers so on.. just to stop the boat to recover line so keep it in mind.. but most of the time we fight the fish up the prop wash.. 

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We also run 3 and 5 colors in spring and 7 and 10 colors in fall fish seem to be up higher in spring that was for your full half core rods..  as in diagram above and with run a 7 or 10 colors instead of copper or no copper at all  in spring.. some even long line baits like diving reef runners cause fish don' get that deep in spring..  but in fall we run copper 7 and 10 colors on the planner boards.. along with down riggers dipseys as in wire and braid rods.. get the a school of bait look they can' refuse and dial in on them at depths.. always good to wright down depths that stuff is set at maybe dry erase board etc.. so you know what the rods are set at when you get a fish! 

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Very few run boards off a mast system for salmon.  Most use Church Walleye or Off Shore in line boards pulling various lengths of lead core and copper line.  
When running lead core i assume you dont need to weight the bait, im still green when it comes to lead core.

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I have a length of 30# mono between braid backing and the lead core to attach to the in line board.  Let out the lead (all that you have on that set up, ie, full core, half core, three color, etc.) clip to the board and deploy the board to the desired distance from the boat.  Typically, no weight is attached but a snap weight or something like a Michigan Stinger Dive Bomb could be used to increase depth.  

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I have a length of 30# mono between braid backing and the lead core to attach to the in line board.  Let out the lead (all that you have on that set up, ie, full core, half core, three color, etc.) clip to the board and deploy the board to the desired distance from the boat.  Typically, no weight is attached but a snap weight or something like a Michigan Stinger Dive Bomb could be used to increase depth.  
So what weight is generally used for leadcore in the greatlakes?

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1 hour ago, jackpinesavage said:

So what weight is generally used for leadcore in the greatlakes?

Sent from my SM-G950U using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App

Probably most will use somewhere around the 30# test depending on the brand...some are 27#, some 36#.  These "weights" refer to pound test of the nylon sheath and not lead weight so use what you're comfortable with.  A few years ago,  I would have been comfortable with 18# but there seems to be enough sizable fish now that I'd likely not go there.  There are some "micro" lead cores on the market that claim to allow your lure to run deeper than standard lead core.  I did a little testing with that a few years ago and didn't see any difference between the two products using a clip on fish hawk depth meter.  The micro lead does take up less space on a reel so does have a advantage in that sense.

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