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I posted a while back about some fishing advice for Port Sheldon. I recieved some great information from several people on this site that has helped me to catch more fish than I had been. Thanks again. I have another question. Does the color of dipsy diver make a big difference? I have been reading all the posts on this site for a while now and I never see anyone reference the actual diver color. I seem to catch three or four fish on my riggers to every one that I catch on my divers. I still run mono on my divers instead of wire just because that is all I have right now. Would switching to wire be a good idea? Thanks in advance for the help.


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I catch 80% of fish on my riggers. I use braid divers with flourocarbon leaders around 8 ft. long. I have 2 diver rods setup exactly the same with the exception of the diver color and braid color. One of them has not had a rip all year. The one that gets hit has green braid and chrome walker dipsy and the other turd has black braid and had a pink diver that I switched to a white diver. I think the turd rod just has some bad joojoo.

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I don't think the color matters all that much. We tend to mix it up, and I haven't really noticed one color standing out from the rest. I would however recommend that you ditch the mono and go with braid or wire. Mono divers have their place, but braid/wire divers are more versatile. Our wire divers have outfished our braid divers as a whole, but there are days where braid works better than wire. If you are fishing out deep and running them over 100' back, ditch the mono! Wire > braid as far as catching goes (on our boat), but braid is much more user friendly. Either one will be an upgrade over mono.

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Historically I've run Green on one side and Red on the other to match the lights on the boat (starboard and port) as this helps me get them on the right side. However, lately we've been running UV as that seems to be the hot ticket so I have to really pay attention and make sure they go in the right way. Believe me, we've had them wrong before and tying them in a knot them in the middle of the boat is no fun with wire.

On the wire vs. braid vs. mono. We've always run wire. I've never ran braid or mono so I am prejudiced. I love the wire. You can feel a fish blink.

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Yes diver color does make a difference just as do the colors of your spoons and flashers.It is dependent on where the fish are at in the water column as some colors show better at different depths, but by the same token there are days the diver will shy away from them , thats why I prefer to run slide divers as I can run my lures further back and sometime go from a dead diver program to one that produces some fish.

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Thanks for the advice guys. One more question. How many divers do you typically run on either side of your boat?

1-2/side, depending on the size/experience of the crew. Current can be a limiting factor too.

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Great post on the item in question.

However remember that a Dipsey is made by Luhr Jensen & there are a lot of great "divers" on the market. Too many fisherman classify the product as just that being a generic name.

Several manufactures have provided the fishing industry with many different color schemes to go by. You just have to do some leg work with that.

Some have better releases than others and are far more adjustable. I have heard from some charter pros that color can make a difference. The diver can help produce a hit or two during the course of an outing.

I wont be name specific in regards to the divers, but sometimes it is better to buy a product not made over seas.

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Black Walker Deeper Divers is all I run now with great results for the past 3 years. It is my preference to stay away from the divers with removable rings (actual dipsey divers). Ditch the mono for braid if you can't afford wire. I run 40 lb power pro with flourocarbon leader. I have wire divers as well but often choose the braid over the wire to run.

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I run black ones on my wire divers. They have been the most exciting rods on the boat. Some days they have been the best rods accounting for most of the fish, some days not, but most often do help put fish in the box. I don't run other colors as for me I want the fish to look at the lure trailing and not the dipsy.

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i,ve used the dipsy,s first and i just picked the colors that looked good to me, just like most baits are designed to catch fisherman, and it works. and i to didnt like the rings on the dipsy,s so i went to the walker diver. and i did the same thing with the colors. then along came the lite bite slide diver. and they have rings. but the rings on them fit much better than on the dipsy,s. and i went all black. then i found them in metallic on this one site on line. so i bought some in metallic purple and green. now i use the purple with purple lures and green with green lures. then i just use black with anything elce i use. and i just use the slide divers like a standard diver, because i believe they act as attractors. and i do believe my catch rate picked up on the metallic divers.

if your getting small fish or fishing walleye the lite bite slide diver is the only way to go. i tie to the diver then use a 6 to 8 ft floro leader, then tie it to a split ring and lace it through the back of the diver. then i set my main trip alittle tight so i dont get alot of false releases. then i set my lite bite arm as loose as it will go and still hold the arm. then even a big perch or white perch will usely trip the diver. so i dont drag a little fish around half the day. but i dont use the slide part of the diver. but you can check them out at slidediver.com


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I run 1 fire tiger and 1 wonderbread walker.

Why they were on sale at bass pro $5 cheaper than the other colors.

So far the last 2 years divers have accounted for 50% of my fish.

If that big white paddle doesn't sdpook'em a wonderbread diver probably won't either.

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I use clear divers on one side and black on the other. That's just so I don't set them wrong in the dark. Other people swear by certain diver colors but I haven't seen a difference.

I do the same. Green on one side, clear on the other. I wouldn't care if you gave me orange, blue or black as long as I know which color goes out which side.

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  • 5 years later...
On ‎8‎/‎24‎/‎2012 at 6:46 AM, Nailer said:

I believe that color is not much of an issue. Try lengthening the leader on your divers out to 8'. Also, this time of the year run a flasher fly on them.

Do you mean a 8'  leader between the dipsy and the dodger?

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This year I have went to 30 to 40 ft leaders on my divers and I am landing more fish than ever on my divers. Yes you have to hand line em and make sure the diver rod is in position to re engage the fish should you need it. But for sure this has helped us out a lot this year. I run mag diver with mag ring on wire I have found that color really has not mattered for myself. Currently I am running a black one and a clear one. I run 50lb Ande for my leaders and DS3 swivels. About the only bad thing I have had happen is the leader gets wadded up in the heat of the moment and it takes a minute or 2 to straighten it out. Hot combo for us has been Kevins Girlfriend 8 inch with Kevins meat rig.


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I use braided line on my divers.

Usually black one and lime green. Not sure if color matters.

I use usually an 8’ and 10’ 30# mono leader with  a Capt John King shock chord.

We get our share of hits on rhe dipseys;; not  sure if longer length helps! Have seen captains use real long leaders on Salmon Showdown and handline them in.

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  • 4 months later...

Does everyone run snubbers behind divers?  I'm still a novice at running divers outside and I mostly fish for Lakers and it seems like it would soften the strike and make for a lesser hookset no?

Any advice / thoughts from you divers experts would be very much appreciated!

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