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Billy V Report - Aug 14th Sodus Point

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Today we had a full day trip out of Sodus with part of a two-boat trip that we ran with Russ Hacker of Honey Hole Charters. Having gotten into the Kings last night, we felt that if the wind would just hold off for a little bit that we might be able to get out to last night's way points and put a few Kings in the boat before Mother Nature had her way with us. We left the dock and ran out to our spot from the night before only to find that the SE wind we had over night had already messed up our water. We set out or standard 8 rod set of 4 Deeper Divers, 3 riggers, and one copper rod and went into search mode anyway - the guys really wanted Kings and didn't want to go back into shallower water to try our hand at the browns. After about an hour of searching, the 400 copper rod fired and the drag was just screeeeeaming! Ricky grabbed the rod and the fight was on. While he was battling this behemoth, two other rods fired and we boated a small King and a nice healthy coho and had yet another rod fire with no one home. Ricky continued his battle with this fish for almost a half an hour and after a near disaster at the net, Ricky had boated his personal best King - a 28 lb beauty that is going to reside on the wall at his house thanks to Jay's unbelievable save at the back of the boat. About "The Save" - Jay was just about to net this fish when it made one last lunge at freedom and caught the stinger hook on the fly in the net. When that happens its almost certainly going to cost the angler the fish, but not today. Jay knew he had a big fish on and nearly went into the drink to grab this King by the gill plate and land it by hand. You've never heard so much cheering and celebration as when Jay pulled this fish into the boat by hand. Great job buddy - That was easily one of the best saves I've ever seen in the back of the boat!


After we landed this beauty we decided that the wind and waves were getting to be too much so we trolled back into shallower water. We had a few more bites on the way in, but nothing that compared to Ricky's fish. By the time we had gotten back into the brown trout water the wind had built to the point where the water had changed drastically from the morning bite and the fishing had shut down.

Our best combo today was easily that 400' copper that was pulling a White Double Crush Glow Spinny/Sigg's Glow Ghost combo. It took 4 or 5 shots today. Others that took shots were our JV Cheerleader fished off of a Deeper Diver out 300' on a 2.5 setting, a NK Seasick Waddler off of a 110' rigger, and a Super Slim Green Alewife fished off of a 90' rigger. The fish wanted it faster today - 2.6-2.8mph on our Cannon Intellitroll. Temps were all over the place today and the SE wind brought ice cold water in as the day progressed.

While we didn't boat as many fish as I had hoped we would have after Friday night's screen, we certainly did manage to make lots of incredible memories for the entire crew. We had a great day together and I hope that we can fish with Ricky and crew again next year. Congratulations of the fish of your life Ricky! That's one to be proud of!

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Bill thats one heck of a fish , I know the feeling of having the fish take a lunge and get caught on the side of the net. Here is what has worked for me when that happens, if you have a really deep net this might not work but what you do is roll the net over and come right under the fish. Never grab the line like I did the first time , laid 2 fingers open real nice. needed to use the first aid kit .That I didn't' buy yet.

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