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Posts posted by WalleyeMagic

  1. Angles are a very good point, alot of times depending on the way the current is going your angle of approach makes a huge difference. It can cause your speed to be fast or slow, cause your lures to dig down a little more. and also affect the way they move past the fish. Idealy you want em just above the bait at least that works for me.Some time if on a point i will come up to the point and cut out to deep water and let my lures swing over point.


  2. I am fairly new on this site and have been away from the big eyes for a while.

    We fish out of eastern Lake Ontario, and I knotice alot of people using spoons now.

    I always used bombers, thundersticks off the big boards.

    CAn you give me some tips on the spoons.

    How far back from boards, in line weights? speed.

    Thanks Greg

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